Texas Law Shield
May 2, 2014
Texas Law Shield
Texas Member Update
Exclusive 'Use of Force' Book Preview
As a continuing service of Texas Law Shield, please check out this exclusive draft of a page covering self-defense in our new 2014 Texas Use of Force Book that will be ready for our members soon. At Texas Law Shield, education is a cornerstone of our program. We believe this demonstrative learning aid will help you better understand when you can legally defend yourself and uphold your Second Amendment rights.

Get it on our blog. Click here.

Members, be on the lookout. We will soon release the next page in our Use of Force series, covering the defense of others.
Featured Seminar


Members: Join Us In Katy and Bring A Friend
Dear Texas members,

Don't forget - you are invited to attend our Gun Law Seminar in Katy, Texas, on May 14! Join us at 6:30 p.m. at the Katy Elks Lodge as firearms program attorneys and firearms experts speak on topics including: Stand Your Ground and Use of Force Laws, and How to Deal with Law Enforcement. As always, there will be plenty of Q&A time and the chance for you to meet your program attorneys!

To sign up for the May 14 seminar and to see our complete list of seminars, go to www.GunLawSeminar.com. We hope to see you there!
Member Portal
Gun Law Seminars
TLS NFA Program
TLS Security Program
Law Enforcement Program
Texas Law Shield, LLP
1020 Bay Area Blvd., Suite 220
Houston, TX 77058
Telephone: 855-478-6607
Website: www.texaslawshield.com