August 15, 2014 |
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Thursday, August 28, 2014
Cost: $5 Members, $10 Non-Members
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Snacks and drinks will be provided!
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Time: 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
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Your Legal Segment |
The Castle Doctrine and Standing Your Ground in Texas
If you have watched the news on TV or read a newspaper,
you may have heard the phrases �Castle Doctrine� and �Stand Your
Ground� in reference to self-defense laws. There has been considerable
debate about just what these laws are and how far they allow someone to
go in protecting themselves, their homes, and their family.
Unfortunately, not every news outlet or blog writer is as informed about
these legal concepts as they could be. The purpose of this article is
to introduce these important legal concepts to you, and explain them
clearly enough that you will be better prepared in case you ever need to
protect your family, home, or self from danger.
Does Texas Have a Castle Doctrine?
The concept of the Castle Doctrine comes from the philosophy that
every person is the King or Queen of their home, and as such, is
entitled to certain privileges. In the context of firearms self-defense
law, it generally means that a person is not legally required to run
away from their home before using force or deadly force against an
unlawful intruder. Texas Penal Code �9.31 (governing the justified use
of non-deadly force) and �9.32 (governing the justified use of deadly
force) are Texas� version of the Castle Doctrine.
Inside your "castle," under certain circumstances, Texas law
presumes you acted reasonably and justifiably if you use force or deadly
force to defend yourself against an intruder who enters your occupied
habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment. Specifically,
when an individual unlawfully and with force, enters or attempts to
enter your occupied habitation, vehicle or place of business or
employment, or if an individual unlawfully and with force, removes or
attempts to remove you from your occupied habitation, vehicle, or place
of business or employment, Texas law will provide the presumption that
you acted reasonably and were justified in using force or deadly force.
In order for you to be convicted of a crime related to your use of force
or deadly force, a prosecutor would have to overcome this presumption
in order to prove that you did not act reasonably. Overcoming this
presumption can be very difficult in a court of law depending on the
With regard to using force or deadly force to defend your "castle,"
the Texas Penal Code specifically uses the word "habitation," not the
words "building" or "property." Texas has a very limited definition of
what qualifies as a habitation. The "Castle Doctrine" does not cover
your entire piece of property. The legal term "habitation" is defined by
Texas Penal Code �30.01 as "a structure or vehicle adapted for the
overnight accommodation of persons; and includes each separately secured
or occupied portion of the structure or vehicle; and each structure
appurtenant to or connected with the structure or vehicle." This means
that structures which are detached from the building where you sleep at
night are not considered to be your habitation. For example, Texas law
does not consider your detached garage, shed, and/or barn part of your
habitation. However, if your garage, front or back porch is connected to
the structure containing your sleeping quarters (as exists in many
suburban communities), it is considered part of your habitation as
defined by the Texas Penal Code.
As far as vehicles go, Texas Penal Code �30.01 defines a vehicle "as
any device, in, on, or by which any person or property is or may be
propelled, moved, or drawn in the normal course of commerce or
transportation." This is a very broad definition and appears to include
anything that carries people or property from one place to another,
including cars, trucks, boats, airplanes, golf carts, etc. One important
point to take note of is that you or someone else must be occupying the
vehicle to be given the presumption of reasonableness under Texas Penal
Code �9.31 and �9.32.
What About People Who are Only Trespassers?
Make sure that you do not fall victim to the common misconception
that the Castle Doctrine gives you carte blanche to use deadly force
merely because someone is on your property. It does not! In fact, Texas
law says the exact opposite. Texas Penal Code �9.41 allows you to use
force, but not deadly force that is reasonably necessary to prevent or
terminate another's trespass on your land.
Your use of force can have many different manifestations, ranging
from initiating a physical confrontation to displaying a weapon. Texas
Penal Code �9.04 states that the display of a weapon in order to create
apprehension in another person is considered a use of force, not deadly
force. That means if someone trespasses on your property, you may
display your firearm to create apprehension that you will use deadly
force if necessary. You will not be legally justified in discharging the
firearm, but you will be legally justified in displaying it to "create
apprehension" under the law. Only if the trespasser is committing other
acts where the law states that you are justified in using deadly force
would you be legally allowed to discharge your firearm.
For example, if you are sitting in your living room and see an
individual peering in your window, you will probably not be justified
under Texas law in using deadly force against the suspicious person.
However, if the same trespasser breaks a window and climbs through, you
will be legally justified in using deadly force under Texas Penal Code
�9.32. If you see the same individual rummaging around in your detached
barn, you will not fall under Texas Penal Code �9.32, because it is not
considered an occupied habitation. Note under our examples you may very
well be justified under another section of the law in the use of deadly
force, but not under Texas Penal Code �9.32.
What if a Trespasser Starts Committing Other Property Crimes?
Can you use force or deadly force to protect your property? The use
of deadly force to protect property is contained in Texas Penal Code
�9.42. This statute provides that if someone is committing trespass or
interference with your property, you may be justified in using deadly
force to prevent arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft
during the nighttime or criminal mischief during the nighttime.
Texas has a 3-prong test that, if met, gives legal justification in
using deadly force to protect or recover stolen property. If:
- (1) force is necessary to prevent or terminate another's trespass on land or unlawful interference with the property, or
- (2) deadly force is reasonably necessary to prevent another who is
committing arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft or
criminal mischief at night, or immediately fleeing with property after
committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the
nighttime from escaping with the property, and
- (3) the person reasonably believes that the property cannot be
protected or recovered by any other method, or that the use of
non-deadly force to recover the property would expose them to a
substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury,
then you will be legally justified in using deadly force to protect
and/or recover your stolen property. While you may be legally allowed to
use force under these conditions, we want to stress that using deadly
force is most likely a very bad idea!
The crime of criminal trespass is not one of those listed in Texas
Penal Code �9.42 or even under the "Castle Doctrine" statutes �9.31 and
�9.32. A mere criminal trespass may, however, evolve into one of the
above crimes where you may be justified in using deadly force to protect
your property. For example, suppose that someone decides to sit on your
lawn, and you yell at them to get them off your property. If the
trespasser refuses to leave, you are almost certainly not justified in
using deadly force to remove him. But if that same person sitting on
your lawn gets up and charges towards your bedroom window with a firearm
and a crow bar, you will very likely be legally justified in using
deadly force to protect yourself and your home. His actions of charging
you with a weapon make him more than just a trespasser under Texas law.
Criminal Prosecution Even If You Were Justified.
Just because Texas law affords you a legal justification for using
deadly force when someone attacks you, or enters or removes you from
your occupied habitation, vehicle, or workplace, this does not mean you
are immune from being arrested or criminally prosecuted, even if you are
completely in-the-right as far as the law is concerned. Your right to
assert legal justifications is just that: a legal justification. It is
not a �Get Out of Jail Free� card. In fact, always remember that there
is a high possibility that you will have to go to jail and post bond
long before the issue of justification is considered by the prosecutor.
We see cases like this unfolding in Texas and other states on a regular
basis. You may ultimately have to go to court and assert your
justification defense before a judge or jury. This process may take
months or even years to get resolved!
Does Texas Have a Stand Your Ground Law?
The phrase "Stand Your Ground,� despite its common use in the media, is
not found in Texas statutory law. Under certain circumstances, Texas law
tells us that there is no duty to retreat if you are faced with a
situation where you have to use force or deadly force to protect
yourself or another. Even if by retreating you could avoid the entire
confrontation, you do not legally have to. Texas Penal Code �9.31(e) and
�9.32(c) state that in defending yourself or another person, you have
no duty to retreat if: (1) you have a legal right to be at the location
where force or deadly force is used, (2) you do not provoke the person
against whom force or deadly force was used, (3) and you are not engaged
in criminal activity at the time force or deadly force was used. These
statutes are better considered "No Duty to Retreat" laws. Under these
very limited circumstances, a prosecutor or law enforcement officer
cannot argue that you had a reasonable "escape route," or that you
should have had to "fall back" before justifiably using force or deadly
force. If you are facing a criminal charge, qualifying under this
statute could mean the difference between a conviction or not!
In order to receive the "No Duty to Retreat" protection under the
statutes, first, you must be justified under the Texas Penal Code in
using force or deadly force. As we discussed above, Texas Penal Code
�9.31 and �9.32 state that you will be presumed to be legally justified
in using force or deadly force if someone is entering, attempting to
enter, removing you or attempting to remove you from your occupied
habitation, vehicle, or workplace. You will also be presumed to be
justified in using force or deadly force if someone commits or attempts
to commit: aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated
sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated robbery. Force or deadly force
can be used to stop any of these crimes, as well as when it may be
immediately necessary to protect yourself or another person from the
attacker's use of deadly force. If you are at a place you have a legal
right to be, only then does the use of force or deadly force with no
duty to retreat apply under the statute. To paraphrase a very effective
jury argument, the statutes are designed to protect you when "trouble
finds you, but not when you go looking for trouble."
Disqualifications for No Retreat Protection
There are multiple situations where your conduct may potentially
disqualify you from the Texas "No Duty to Retreat" provision. In order
to receive Texas Penal Code �9.31(e) and �9.32(c) "No Duty to Retreat"
protection, you must first be justified in using force under Texas Penal
Code �9.31. Second, the No Retreat statute themselves have three more
qualifications that must be met before you gain the statutes�
Disqualifying Under Texas Penal Code �9.31
If you want to protect yourself or another person, there are
multiple situations under Texas Penal Code �9.31 where you will not be
justified in using force or deadly force. If you fall under one of the
following situations, you will not be given the "No Duty to Retreat"
- The use of force is not justified in response to verbal provocation
alone. (If someone is only yelling at you, you are not justified in
using force against them).
- You will not be justified in using force to resist an arrest or
search being made by a police officer (unless the officer uses greater
than reasonable force), even if the arrest or search is ultimately
proven to be unlawful.
- The use of force against another is not justified if you consent to the force. (No dueling or consenting to gun fights).
- You provoked the use of force, unless you have clearly abandoned the encounter.
- If you seek a discussion with another person regarding your
differences while unlawfully carrying a weapon, you will not be given
the �No Duty to Retreat� protection. Unlawful carry of a weapon
- a non-CHL holder carrying in places other than their premises, place of business, vehicle or watercraft;
- having a handgun in plain view;
- engaging in criminal activity while carrying a weapon,
- carrying a weapon by a person who is a member of a criminal street gang; or,
- Carrying a prohibited weapon.
Qualifying Under the No Duty to Retreat Statute
As we discussed earlier, the first thing that must be satisfied to
receive the �No Duty to Retreat� Protection is that the person must have
had a legal right to be in the location where deadly force was used.
What does the law mean when it says that you must �be in a location
where you have a legal right to be?� The best way to clarify this is to
discuss places where you do not have a legal right to be. Any location
where you would be considered a trespasser is, by definition, a place
where you do not have a legal right to be. Under Texas Penal Code
�30.05, a person becomes a criminal trespasser if they enter or remain
on property without effective consent, or the person had notice that
entry was forbidden or received notice to depart but failed to do so.
Notice of trespassing includes: oral or written communication, fencing,
signs posted on the property indicating that entry is forbidden, purple
paint marks on trees or posts on the property, or crops for human
consumption growing on the property. As long as you are in a place where
you are not considered a trespasser by the law, you most likely have a
legal right to be there under the �No Duty to Retreat� statutes.
In addition to the location test, you cannot have provoked the
other's use or attempted use of force. You cannot start a fight and then
claim justification for your use of force or deadly force. There is,
however, an exception to this rule. If you abandon the encounter or
clearly communicate your intent to abandon, and you cannot do so safely,
and the other continues to use unlawful force against you, you do not
have a duty to retreat.
A very similar scenario played out in a district court in Harris
County. An individual was convicted of murdering his neighbor during a
conflict that started as a result of a noise complaint. The accused
individual videotaped the entire confrontation. The last few minutes of
the video seem to show that the man was justified in discharging his
firearm after three men charged him. However, prior to the last few
minutes, approximately twenty minutes of the video showed the accused
leaving his property with his handgun, trespassing on his neighbor's
property, and taunting the neighbors by flashing his pistol. As a result
of these actions the man did not qualify under the "No Duty to Retreat"
statutes. In fact, the prosecutor in the case told the jury that
"self-defense was never meant to protect the one that started the
fight." The jury only deliberated for 90 minutes before returning a
verdict of guilty on a murder charge and ultimately sentenced him to 40
years in prison.
Finally, you cannot be engaged in any criminal activity, other than a
Class C misdemeanor traffic offense at the time deadly force was used
and claim self-defense.
As you can see, the Texas versions of the Castle Doctrine and Stand
Your Ground laws are extremely complex and cannot be summarized with a
simple catch phrase. These topics consume thousands of pages of legal
treatises, so this article is only a brief overview of the intricacies
that are involved with these topics. We hope, however, that this
newsletter provides you with a better understanding of both of these
legal topics, and if you have any questions about Texas firearms laws,
do not hesitate to contact us.
QuickLinks |
Texas Law Shield, LLP 1020 Bay Area Blvd., Suite 220 Houston, TX 77058 |
Telephone: 877-448-6839 Website: www.texaslawshield.com