Protecting yourself during traffic stops
How simple precautions can help your interactions with police
Traffic stops are one of the most common encounters that people have with law enforcement. Knowing how to interact with the police during a traffic stop–especially if you’re legally armed–is an important personal protection skill to master. The wrong words or actions can lead to misunderstandings that could have negative or even life-altering consequences.

Educate: Know the law.
Knowing your rights as well as your responsibilities under the law is hugely important. Some states require you to notify law enforcement that you’re armed at the beginning of the traffic stop, while other states require that you only disclose that information if asked directly. Depending on your jurisdiction, you may need to provide additional information–such as your license and registration–at the beginning of the interaction as well.
Prepare: Decide how to act now.
Your number-one priority during a traffic stop should be getting through the interaction with minimal negative consequences. The side of the road is not a good place to argue with law enforcement, so carefully consider your words and actions to avoid potential legal or other life-altering negative consequences.

Protect: Maintain the right mindset.
No matter the situation you find yourself in during a traffic stop, it’s important to remain calm. Pull over immediately if it’s safe to do so, then turn off your vehicle. Keep your hands in plain sight and follow any directions given to you to the best of your ability. If you need to reach for something inside of your vehicle, tell the officer ahead of time what you’d like to do and wait for consent before doing it. Never admit wrongdoing to police, and understand that if you’re not required by law to give certain information, silence is always an option.
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