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  • Halfway PC 950x540 1

Halfway There: Permitless Carry Comes to 25 States

2022-04-22T09:18:14-05:00April 14th, 2022|Tags: , |

Now that Governor Brian Kemp has signed the bill making permitless carry law for the state of Georgia, half the country is on board with dropping state licensing requirements to carry a gun. That’s a significant jump in a short period of time and a fantastic nod toward Second Amendment rights.

  • In My State 950 v3 1

Denied Your Weapons Carry License?

2021-04-30T17:16:52-05:00April 28th, 2021|Tags: , |

You have been a lawful Weapons Carry License holder for years, but when you apply to renew your license, you receive an “Order Denying Weapons Carry License” Here’s what you need to know.

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