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  • Castle Doctrine in PA

Can You Shoot a Thief? | Pennsylvania

2023-07-12T05:59:52-05:00March 30th, 2019|Tags: , , |

One of the questions that we get quite frequently is, “How far can I go under the law to defend my property?” Everyone works hard, and nothing is worse than a thief because they look to take something that is not theirs, that they didn’t work for, and make it theirs. As angry as you are, the law in Pennsylvania is very clear: you CANNOT use deadly force to defend your property.

Call 911…and HANG UP!

2020-02-05T14:41:24-06:00March 15th, 2019|Tags: |

https://vimeo.com/322090551 The following is a video transcript. Suppose you've just been involved

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