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Gun Safety & Education

  • How to Ship a Firearm

How to Ship a Firearm: Is It Legal?

2022-03-02T13:13:00-06:00March 1st, 2022|Tags: , |

If you haven’t shipped a firearm yet, odds are good you’ll do so in the future. Not only are guns shipped for sales, but they’re also shipped for repairs, custom Cerakote® finishes, and more. However, you can’t just throw your gun into a box and mail it using whatever means are most convenient at the time. There are federal and state laws in place regarding shipping firearms that you must know and follow. Remember, claiming ignorance of the law isn’t a valid legal defense.

  • Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence and Gun Ownership: Is it Legal?

2022-02-23T23:51:24-06:00February 24th, 2022|Tags: , |

A common question among survivors of family violence is “Can you buy a gun if convicted of domestic violence?” It’s understandable to wonder if a person who was convicted of domestic violence will be allowed to purchase a firearm. And while the short answer is generally “no,” the specific laws and potential enforcement—or lack thereof—tend to vary by state.

  • AR-15

The AR-15: Weapon of War, or Ideal Self-Defense Tool?

2022-03-23T12:02:51-05:00February 23rd, 2022|Tags: , |

Since at least the 1990’s, the name “AR-15” has been a staple of the national debate surrounding gun control and is as widely used as it’s poorly understood. If you ask a non-gun enthusiast in the United States to name a rifle, the AR-15 is one of the most likely to come to mind, either due to its popularity in video games, media coverage, TV, movies, or from real-life firearms experience.

  • AR Pistol Brace

AR Pistol Brace: Fun or Felony?

2022-02-19T01:53:05-06:00February 15th, 2022|Tags: , |

Since 2013, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) estimates that over 3 million stabilizing braces, or pistol braces, have been sold in the U.S. With over a dozen designs available on the market, they are mostly meant to be used with AR-15 style pistols. Pistol braces are devices meant to improve the shootability of large-format, intermediate caliber pistols, without shouldering a stock.

  • How to Travel With a Gun 1

The Vacation from Hell: What You Need to Know About How to Travel With a Gun

2022-06-13T10:12:28-05:00February 4th, 2022|Tags: , |

It’s 9:30 PM, and you’re 20 minutes from your hotel. It’s been a long day of driving, and you can’t wait to flop face-first into your nice, warm hotel bed. This is your fourth state in three days, and you’ve started to lose track of where you are. Then it happens: flashing red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. Were you speeding? This article will explore how you, and your gun, might legally travel from Point A to Point B.

  • What Is a Suppressor

What Is a Suppressor, and Is It Legal?

2022-02-10T13:18:12-06:00February 3rd, 2022|Tags: , |

Talking about suppressors can sometimes create more questions than answers. If you’re wondering what a suppressor is, why it’s useful, and how it works, you’ve come to the right place.

  • Open Carry

What Is Open Carry?

2023-08-02T10:26:35-05:00January 6th, 2022|Tags: , |

What is Open Carry? Simply put, it's the practice of carrying a wholly or partially visible firearm. It could be a holstered handgun that's not hidden under a concealment garment, or the less common practice of carrying a long gun on a sling. Since the gun isn't concealed, it's carried "in the open" hence the term "open carry."

  • NY 2022 Top 3 950x540 1

Top 3 Safety Tips for New Year Celebration

2022-01-03T09:53:01-06:00December 31st, 2021|Tags: , |

A New Year Celebration can represent many different things for many different people. For some, it is a time of careful reflection on the events of the past year and a hopeful optimism for the possibilities the coming year represents. For others, it’s an excuse to gather with friends, family, or strangers and enjoy a party. No matter your personal feelings or beliefs behind a New Year Celebration, it’s always a good idea to consider how to stay safe and what goes into protecting not only your physical health and safety, but also your emotional health and safety.

  • secondary defensive measures pepper spray

When Your Gun Isn’t Enough: Secondary Defensive Measures

2022-01-03T09:43:14-06:00December 30th, 2021|Tags: , |

As a gun owner, it’s a good idea to have not only your everyday carry (EDC) gun but some secondary defensive measures as well. The old saying “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” comes into play when all you have or know is your gun. Adding to your skillset—increasing the contents of your tactical toolbox—is a good idea for all of us. What secondary measures should you consider? Read on to find out.

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