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Gun Owners’ Rights

  • Duty to Inform Laws

Duty to Inform Laws: Do They Apply to You?

2021-11-10T14:09:17-06:00October 26th, 2021|

If you have an encounter with law enforcement, do you have to tell them you’re carrying a firearm or that you have a valid license or permit to carry? If there is a legal requirement where you live, failing to do so might mean losing your license or permit, or being charged with a crime.

  • Second Amendment Sanctuaries: Are They Realistic?

Second Amendment Sanctuaries: Are They Realistic?

2022-07-07T15:18:01-05:00August 11th, 2021|Tags: , |

The number of states declaring themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries is on the rise. This means a question being asked with increasing frequency is coming to the forefront: Is the decision to make states “sanctuaries” legally binding, or does it only do lip service to the gun rights community at large?

  • In My State 950 v3 1

Your Guide to Bringing Guns into Michigan

2021-05-04T11:40:49-05:00April 30th, 2021|Tags: , |

We often receive questions from U.S. LawShield members regarding transporting guns into Michigan from other states. These questions typically involve a member who is moving from another state or receiving the firearm as either a gift or an inheritance.

  • In My State 950 v3 1

Understanding Red Flag Laws in New Jersey

2021-08-13T17:41:22-05:00April 28th, 2021|Tags: , |

Can a judge sign an order allowing police to seize your guns even if you do not break a single law? In recent years, there has been a nationwide push for “extreme risk protective orders” or “red flag” laws specifically designed to remove firearms from people accused of engaging in conduct or making statements that others may deem “dangerous.”

  • In My State 950 v3 1

Medical Marijuana or CWFL… Pick One

2022-03-22T18:43:06-05:00April 28th, 2021|Tags: , |

Over the past few months, we have been asked one question more than any other: Can I have a Medical Marijuana Card (“MMC”) and a Concealed Weapon & Firearm License (“CWFL”)? The answer is not simple. 

  • In My State 950 v3 1

Denied Your Weapons Carry License?

2021-04-30T17:16:52-05:00April 28th, 2021|Tags: , |

You have been a lawful Weapons Carry License holder for years, but when you apply to renew your license, you receive an “Order Denying Weapons Carry License” Here’s what you need to know.

  • In My State 950 v3 1

Teachers & Guns: News to Follow

2021-08-13T17:45:12-05:00April 26th, 2021|Tags: , |

Education has been a hot topic across Ohio and the country during the pandemic, with school reopenings still in various stages depending on location. With the reopening of more schools come the ever-present threats to students and staff.

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