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Gun Owners’ Rights

  • In My State 950 v3 1

Pennsylvania Gun Rights Restoration

2021-08-13T17:44:14-05:00April 26th, 2021|Tags: , |

While the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right, the courts have held that it is not an unlimited right. There are several ways a person can lose their right to possess a firearm and ammunition. One way a person may become prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition is through a conviction.

  • In My State 950 v3 1

Selling a Gun to a Friend Is Easy, Right?

2022-03-21T18:47:02-05:00April 26th, 2021|Tags: , |

A private firearm transfer refers to a sale, gift, loan, or other transfer of a firearm between two non-licensed individuals. Private firearm transfers are common and entirely legal to conduct in Colorado.

  • In My State 950 v3 1

Selling Your Gun? Read This First…

2021-04-30T13:40:26-05:00April 26th, 2021|Tags: , |

Universal background checks. Closing the “Gun Show Loophole.” Anti-gun activists and politicians at the federal and state level are proposing laws that would affect how law-abiding gun owners can buy and sell firearms. What does this current legislative push mean for you and your next firearm transfer in Texas?

  • Bail vs Bond

Bail Out! What Is the Price of Freedom?

2021-03-31T16:01:36-05:00March 31st, 2021|Tags: , |

“Making bail” is such a commonly used phrase in police procedural dramas that most people probably feel they have a solid grasp of how the bond system works in America. A good understanding of the bond system, coupled with the add-on bail bond coverage U.S. LawShield offers, may help minimize your time in jail and save your bank account after a self-defense incident.

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