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  • Brandishing

Everything You Need to Know About Brandishing

2024-09-05T10:30:57-05:00September 4th, 2024|Tags: , |

Depending on which survey you read, there are anywhere between 100,000 and 3.6 million defensive gun uses per year in the United States. One thing that almost everyone who studies such things agrees on is that, in a large number of the defensive gun uses that take place each year, no shot is ever fired. So, what separates displaying a firearm lawfully—or even justifiably pointing a firearm at another person—from a criminal charge of “brandishing,” or the unlawful display of a firearm?

  • Concealed Carry

Carry a Gun? Here’s What You Need to Know About Concealed Carry

2024-09-05T10:39:12-05:00September 4th, 2024|Tags: , |

Concealed carry is the practice of carrying a firearm (typically a handgun) on one’s physical person while taking steps to ensure that the presence of the firearm is undetectable to casual (or trained) observers. Concealed carry is often accomplished by securing the firearm in a holster specifically designed to aid concealment underneath everyday clothing.

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