Can You Break the Law in Oklahoma to Save a Life?!
Imagine you're in a situation where you need to use your firearm, but then you realize you're in a gun-free zone. What can you do?
Imagine you're in a situation where you need to use your firearm, but then you realize you're in a gun-free zone. What can you do?
Imagine you're in a situation where you need to use your firearm, but then you realize you're in a gun-free zone. What can you do?
Imagine you're in a situation where you need to use your firearm, but then you realize you're in a gun-free zone. What can you do?
Imagine you're in a situation where you need to use your firearm, but then you realize you're in a gun-free zone. What can you do?
Jack Wilson, an experienced firearms instructor and responsible gun owner, was standing at attention with his security team, quietly listening to the pastor’s sermon when the worst happened...
Don't inadvertently carry illegally. Check out this quick guide to places with dual purpose facilities, like churches that are also schools and vise versa!
Let’s talk about dual purpose facilities that include both an educational facility […]
Don't inadvertently carry illegally. Check out this quick guide to places with dual purpose facilities, like churches that are also schools and vise versa!
Don't inadvertently carry illegally. Check out this quick guide to places with dual purpose facilities, like churches that are also schools and vise versa!
Don't inadvertently carry illegally. Check out this quick guide to places with dual purpose facilities, like churches that are also schools and vise versa!