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U.S. LawShield

  • Famous Female Gunslingers

Famous Female Gunslingers

2024-09-05T11:33:36-05:00September 3rd, 2024|Tags: , |

March has been celebrated as Women’s History Month since 1987, when it was created through an act of Congress and is designated each year through presidential proclamation. The focus of this celebration is to recognize and honor the contributions and achievements women have made over the course of American history in a variety of fields. Often overlooked are the achievements of women with firearms, so here’s a brief look at some “badass” ladies with guns.

  • J240 Use of Force 950x540 1

Use of Force: What You Need To Know

2024-04-24T15:31:45-05:00February 10th, 2024|Tags: , |

Whether it’s a private citizen defending their life from an attack or law enforcement apprehending a criminal, in today’s world there are many questions surrounding use of force. Although the term means different things when used with a civilian versus a government agent, everyone has questions about what level of force is warranted for a given situation. Police officers need to be aware of “excessive force” and civilians need to be wary of escalating a situation by using “disproportional force” in a self-defense incident. We all struggle to balance the value of human life against the need to respond, sometimes with deadly force, to an imminent threat.

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