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U.S. LawShield

  • Bail vs Bond

Bail Out! What Is the Price of Freedom?

2021-03-31T16:01:36-05:00March 31st, 2021|Tags: , |

“Making bail” is such a commonly used phrase in police procedural dramas that most people probably feel they have a solid grasp of how the bond system works in America. A good understanding of the bond system, coupled with the add-on bail bond coverage U.S. LawShield offers, may help minimize your time in jail and save your bank account after a self-defense incident.

  • Feb In My State 950px v2

Self-Defense Turned Upside Down in Florida

2021-03-02T11:22:50-06:00February 24th, 2021|Tags: , |

Recently, the Fourth District Court of Appeals (4th DCA) turned Florida self-defense law upside down. It has been a long-standing principle of Florida law that if you draw your weapon, even going so far as to put it up to a person’s head without pulling the trigger, you have only used non-deadly force...

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