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Know Your Rights and Shut Your MOUTH!

2021-10-05T13:18:23-05:00April 15th, 2019|Tags: , |

Whether it’s a typical traffic stop, or you were just involved in a use of force incident, encounters with law enforcement can be scary and stressful. In the heat of the moment, you may inadvertently say something you don’t mean or make an inconsistent statement. These are red flags for officers, and if they think you’re lying or your story doesn’t add up, they might arrest you and let the criminal justice system decide your fate.

  • Can You Shoot Someone For Trespassing in Texas?

Can You Shoot a Fleeing Thief? | Texas

2023-08-02T11:49:59-05:00April 2nd, 2019|Tags: , , |

Can You Shoot Someone For Trespassing in Texas? It's midnight, and you awaken to strange sounds somewhere outside the front of your home. You get out of bed, grab your firearm, run to your front window and look outside. That's when you see a masked man in your yard, peeking into your car, and looking around for security cameras. What can you legally do to stop him? Do you have to let him steal your property?

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