Questions about self-defense and firearm laws or other legal issues in your state? U.S. LawShield® and our nationwide network of lawyers are here to provide you with updates and answers.

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Unravel complex firearm laws in your state

Through our Armed and Educated™ book series written by our lawyers, you’ll get easy-to-understand legal insights, real-life examples and critical information, including:

  • Where you can and cannot legally possess a firearm
  • When you are legally allowed to use a firearm
  • Real examples of how these laws impact your life
  • Clear explanations that separate myth from reality

Visit our blog

Our comprehensive articles and videos provide you with self-defense information, legal updates and training tips, all in one convenient location.

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Visit our blog

Our comprehensive articles and videos provide you with self-defense information, legal updates and training tips, all in one convenient location.