You’re finally going to get a ccw permit in Missouri, but do you know what the process entails? Did any of recent events change how gun owners in Missouri should go about getting a Missouri ccw permit? Fortunately for Missouri gun owners, the laws in place regarding how you obtain a CCW permit have not changed during 2020. Although Missouri does not require a permit to carry, there are some very good reasons to consider getting your CCW this year.
Missouri CCW Permit Firearms Training Course
In Missouri, the first step toward getting a CCW permit is to take a firearms training course that is at least eight hours in length and taught by a certified firearms instructor. You’ll then fill out an application in person at the county sheriff’s office where you reside. The sheriff’s office is responsible for approving CCW permits. The sheriff’s office will then enter your fingerprints into the Missouri law enforcement database. The cost of the permit varies but will not exceed $100. Since Missouri is a “shall issue” state, your application must be approved if all necessary requirements are met. The sheriff has up to 45 days to issue the permit and mail it to the address on record.
In Missouri, a CCW serves three important purposes:
Expanded Carry Rights
First, a CCW expands your carry rights. If you are a CCW holder and carry into a place where firearms are prohibited under state law, you are not guilty of committing a crime. If someone sees you are carrying and you refuse to leave after first being asked to, you could be cited with trespassing. On a first offense, the maximum fine is $100. But if you are carrying without a permit, you would be guilty of a misdemeanor offense.
Missouri CCW Permit Reciprocity
Second, your CCW gives you reciprocity rights to carry in 36 other states. If you plan to travel and want to take your firearm with you, many states have an agreement with Missouri to recognize Missouri’s permit to carry a firearm concealed.
Benefit of the Doubt With Law Enforcement
Finally, law enforcement officers realize that obtaining your CCW involves a background check and firearms training. Law enforcement officers are more likely to give CCW holders the benefit of the doubt in a sticky situation and view them as responsible gun owners versus those who carry without a permit.
Renewing a Missouri CCW Permit
When renewing a Missouri CCW, you will need:
- A Missouri ID or Driver’s License;
- Your CCW permit; and
- A renewal fee payment of $40.
Missouri CCW permits do not serve as ID and do not feature your picture.
Prohibited Places for a Missouri CCW
Once you have your CCW, the carry laws in Missouri remain the same except for the important exception noted above with regard to carrying in prohibited places. Make sure you know where it is legal and illegal to carry. The list of prohibited places is found in the Missouri Rev. Stat. § 571.107.1.
Never carry concealed onto federal property where firearms are prohibited. Even Missouri CCW holders who inadvertently carry onto federal property will face criminal charges in federal court. Also, remember to carry your CCW with you whenever you are carrying a firearm.
For any questions regarding getting a Concealed Carry Weapons permit in the State of Missouri, call U.S. LawShield and ask to speak to your independent program attorney.
The information provided in this publication is intended to provide general information to individuals and is not legal advice. The information included in this publication may not be quoted or referred to in any other publication without the prior written consent of U.S. LawShield, to be given or withheld at our discretion. The information is not a substitute for, and does not replace the advice or representation of a licensed attorney. We strive to ensure the information included in this publication is accurate and current, however, no claim is made to the accuracy of the information and we are not responsible for any consequences that may result from the use of information in this publication. The use of this publication does not create an attorney-client relationship between U.S. LawShield, any independent program attorney, and any individual.
i am a member of your team thank you for the info on missouri ccw laws i do not have a ccw permit since you do not need one in missouri but i am gonna get one and my buddy is too i got him invinced to join our group thanks for the info
Thank you so much for all the updates. I was just wondering how I go about getting my ccw permit renewed. And you all explained it. Thank you again. Merry Christmas!
It caught my attention when you said that you could need to take a firearms training course for at least 8 hours in order to obtain a CCW permit. My husband mentioned that he would want to own firearms that he could use for both safety and recreational purposes. He mentioned getting a CCW permit last night while we were having our dinner. I will share your tips with him.