The following is a video transcript.
I’m Mark Edwards, Independent Program Attorney for U.S. LawShield. Today, I will discuss the types of non-lethal weapons that you may carry in the State of North Carolina.
#1: Pepper Spray
Under North Carolina law, one of the only non-lethal weapons you may possess and legally conceal is pepper spray.
#2 A Pocket Knife
You may also legally carry and conceal an ordinary pocket knife. Even though, by its nature, the pocket knife could be used as a deadly weapon. An ordinary pocket knife is a small knife designed for carrying in a pocket or purse that has its cutting edge and point enclosed in its handle, and which may not be opened by throwing, explosive or spring action. The term “small” has not been defined by statutory or case law, though the Court of Appeals held in 1989 that a knife that was four and a half inches long when folded was an ordinary pocket knife.
Laws on Lethal Weapons
General Statute 14-269 (a) lists a number of items that are considered lethal weapons that may not be concealed off one’s property. These weapons include Bowie knives, dirks, daggers, sling shots, loaded canes, metallic knuckles, razors, Shurikens or what are called “throwing stars,” stun guns, and any other deadly weapon of like-kind. It’s surprising that stun guns are included in that list. While it is not illegal to openly possess a stun gun, you may only use a stun gun against another person when you have a reasonable belief that you are in imminent danger of suffering serious bodily harm or death.
Get Your Questions Answered
For any questions regarding non-lethal weapons in North Carolina, call U.S. LawShield and ask to speak with your Independent Program Attorney.
I travel across many states in a RV. Which self defense tool is best to have with me. A pistol or a shotgun loaded with non lethal shells
What is the legal status of carrying and using for defense a pepper ball gun in the state of North Carolina? I’m considering getting one but I don’t know if it’s legal.
If you’re a member, please call our non-emergency line at 877-448-6839 to ask an independent program attorney this question.
I would like to know how some one that is a convicted felon is suppose to defend there self and family. I will be 60 this year and own my own business haven’t been in any trouble for 15 years. I paid for my mistakes something needs to change. I did get a life sentence this is not fair.
You should look into rubber bullet guns; Byrna makes a CO2 pistol that shoots pepper-ball rounds & hard plastic “kinetic”rounds. Rubber bullet guns are classified as “launchers” by the ATF, no license or permit required, Byrna RBGs retail for $4-500, but they have gotten good reviews.
I am a convicted felon from 1996. I just turned 50 and haven’t been in ANY trouble since 1996. I have worked in Security for Allied Universal and Tarian, both as an unarmed officer, but when I was given the opportunity to be armed, paid all the money and filled out all documents and fingerprints to get a court date to restore my gun rights here in NC, but was denied even though my felony was so long ago and was NOT gun related. For that reason, as a means to protect myself and my daughter, mother, I have decided to purchase a less than lethal weapon as everything Ive seen and read, says that a felon can possess these. I went to Amazon and found a Smith&Wesson M&P .43 caliber that’s shoots rubber balls and pepper balls, runs off of CO2 cartridges. I also have a Taser and have since started my own Private Security Company.
Thank you for reading and for your comment sir!