If you’ve made the personal decision to invest in the concept of armed self-defense, whether concealed carry or open, with firearms or without, then you know how important it is to prepare yourself for unlikely, but important scenarios to stay safe. It’s, as they say, not the odds, but the stakes.
Let’s say in your journey toward armed defense, you’ve invested in a firearm, one of the dozens of available concealed carry holsters, the best training available, probably a CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon) permit (unless you live in a permitless carry state, though we do still recommend taking advantage of the additional benefits of a concealed carry permit, which can vary by state and/or jurisdiction, and maybe even a carry belt. That’s no small sum of money for most people, but with an honest review, and the best research-backed choices, it can be well worth it. Is there something else you might have missed in this self-defense plan? What about legal coverage for a criminal defense attorney, or civil defense lawyer?
Many would say that the last piece of that puzzle is CCW insurance, also known as concealed carry insurance coverage, and sometimes mistakenly referred to as firearms liability insurance, which it is not. This generally means you join an organization that, in return for a monthly installment, offers pre-paid access to, or reimbursement for, a civil and criminal defense attorney should you ever be required to lawfully defend yourself with those paid for skills, holster, information, and gun.
You’ve probably heard the popular defense of concealed carry, “It’s better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6,” and while many people would agree it’s best, that “judgement by 12” comes with a hefty price tag. If you don’t have some type of insurance policy for armed defense, you may be stuck paying for a civil and/or criminal defense attorney to defend your freedom yourself.
Is it better to owe thousands of dollars in court and criminal defense attorneys’ fees than be dead? A lot of people would agree with living rating higher than dying, but why make that choice if you don’t have to? We hope to convince you that concealed carry insurance coverage is a worth while investment as a legal part of a lawful self-defense or CCW plan. Ensuring your immediate access to a defense attorney helps keep you physically and financially safe while resting easy knowing that you’ve got dependable legal coverage if you need it for a low monthly fee, for years to come.
What Is a Carry Insurance Policy?
At its core, the best CCW insurance coverage is the exchange of a monthly fee for guaranteed civil and criminal defense attorney representation for lawful self-defense involving a gun or other legal weapon. Membership fees are determined by the base rate, and the optional addition of extended coverage that varies based on what given CCW insurance providers offer.
Reputable concealed carry insurance providers offer extensions to their base fees, with optional expanded coverage that offers things like identity theft coverage, hunter/angler legal assistance, bail bond and expert witness fee protection, multi-state, and spouse or other family member coverage.
The monthly base plan may be perfect for you, but the optional addition of so many extra areas of a responsible gun owner’s life make customization of your best CCW insurance policy simple and easy, beyond knowing that you’ve got an attorney available should the worst happen.
Would a CCW Insurance Policy Benefit Me?
If you’ve made the personal decision to take on liability for your own defense, as well of that of your spouse or family, then yes, a carry insurance policy can absolutely benefit you. By deciding to take responsibility for your own protection, you also must consider that doing so may result in criminal prosecution by the government, and the need for a civil defense attorney due to a potential civil suit by the assailant, or their family. The need for the protection of a civil defense attorney can even come after you win the criminal trial, so there really are no guarantees, other than the cost of a defense lawyer and associated fees.
With the price tag of defending yourself in court starting in the thousands of dollars, and the very real possibility of it becoming tens of thousands of dollars, a low monthly fee that guarantees the protection of unlimited legal defense is definitely a measurable benefit. Having access to CCW insurance that offers an attorney for general legal questions alone might be enough to keep you out of the courthouse.
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What Sort of Carry Insurance Coverage Can I Expect?
This depends on the CCW insurance provider, and the individual concealed carry insurance products you choose as a member, but the best one would provide quite a bit of protection for the basic monthly fee. Things like coverage for all legal weapons, no limit or cap on attorneys’ fees, easy and available access to legal experts for questions, and 24/7/365 emergency access should the worst happen are all things you should expect from a quality CCW insurance provider. This should cover attorneys’ fees in both criminal and civil court, paid for up front by your membership plan fees.
Beyond those, the offering of educational courses, legal and best practices updates as they occur, extending CCW insurance coverage to your spouse or other family members, and more, are excellent benefits that you can add to the value you should expect as a member of a high-quality concealed carry insurance provider, and the firearms legal protection their plan provides.
Does Carry Insurance Only Cover Use of a CCW?
It may, with some concealed carry insurance providers, but coverage of all legal weapons is a benefit you deserve and should expect from your best concealed carry insurance provider policy. Not everyone who decides to start being an active participant in their own self-defense can or wants to own a firearm, let alone concealed carry. Additionally, not all self-defense scenarios can or need to be solved with a gun. Some states restrict your self-defense options to non-gun objects in certain scenarios, so you should be able to use whatever tool fits your personal concealed carry, or home defense plan best, and keeps you both physically and legally safe, including criminal defense coverage and civil defense coverage for a low monthly fee.
Knowing that you have legal coverage when you’re armed for the protection of yourself with a gun, knife, fists, or anything else you’re legally able to add to your arsenal for protection in a lawful self-defense scenario is important, and something you should require your CCW insurance provider to offer.
Where Should I Look for Carry Insurance?
That’s an important personal protection decision, and it’s for you to decide for yourself. The search for the best CCW insurance provider that’s best for you requires thought and research, just like choosing a gun or holster for concealed carry for yourself or your spouse. Only you can make the decision as to what you can afford to spend on such an important piece of your self-defense plan, and what constitutes a substantial value for that money. Not all plans are offered in all states, but the largest companies offer a plan in most of them. Ensuring that their offers provide legal coverage for both civil defense and criminal defense to you as a member is important, as even an acquittal in a criminal trial doesn’t stop a civil suit from being filed against you.
While you review offers though, consider the points we’ve covered in this article so far: unlimited coverage for all legal weapons, no limit on attorneys’ fees, easy and available access to legal experts for all your self-defense questions, and 24/7/365 emergency access to your lawyer, if you ever find yourself in the aftermath of a violent defensive encounter, and need to use the coverage you’ve been paying for all along.
These are all key components of any CCW insurance legal plan for the very real potential impacts of being forced to use a gun, fists, or any other weapon in self-defense, and you should be positive that any coverage you get provides them for a low monthly fee.
The good news is as a member, you can get all of that from the U.S. LawShield® Legal Defense for Self Defense® Program and more, available from just $10.95 monthly. Beyond the coverage listed above, a U.S. LawShield membership plan comes with expandable plan features to extend protection to your spouse, or other family members, legal help with hunting-related legal issues, multi-state coverage, protection if your gun or identity is ever stolen (affecting your right to carry), and bail bond and expert witness coverage. No matter what your self-defense legal needs are, U.S. LawShield has a plan and add-ons that can keep you safe.
We realize there are many companies that you could pay upfront to provide a lawyer to defend you, but we believe that if you grade them all, and weigh the available information, you’ll find that U.S. LawShield is your best Legal Defense for Self Defense. Give us a look today, and sign up if you agree.
CCW Insurance FAQ’s
Your Protection Starts Here!
The information provided in this publication is intended to provide general information to individuals and is not legal advice. The information included in this publication may not be quoted or referred to in any other publication without the prior written consent of U.S. LawShield, to be given or withheld at our discretion. The information is not a substitute for, and does not replace the advice or representation of a licensed attorney. We strive to ensure the information included in this publication is accurate and current, however, no claim is made to the accuracy of the information and we are not responsible for any consequences that may result from the use of information in this publication. The use of this publication does not create an attorney-client relationship between U.S. LawShield, any independent program attorney, and any individual.
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